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Ability to filter Master Features based on their release month and/or Product while choosing them to associate with a Feature

When adding a feature to the product backlog, we want to add the Master Feature/Epic under which the feature will be associated. When choosing the Master Feature/Epic, there are multiple problems

a. It shows a list of master features across other products. Would be good if one could filter to show only the current product's master features only.

b. secondly, if I am adding a feature for 2021, I would like to limit the list of master features that are planned for 2021. Instead, it shows all the master features irrespective of the years. We have about 15 different products and adding more. As they evolve and more master features are added, this list is difficult to filter and find the right master feature against which the feature should be associated.

c. Sometimes there are similar named Master Features across years. For example, there could be enhancements done within a module across multiple years. We don't want to keep the Master Feature open across years. So we have similar-sounding Master Features and it becomes difficult to know which Master Feature should the feature be associated with.

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