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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 11, 2021

Filter by Product or Feature Board When adding new Feature/Master Feature

Give users option to filter by all products or current products/feature boards when adding new feature or master feature (why scroll through all irrelevant items). This will save time and make it more user friendly.

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  • Admin
    Kelly Sebes
    Aug 27, 2021

    There are two main ways to add a feature to an epic (master feature):

    • On the feature details page, click the Epic field and select from a list of epics or create a new one. The epics in the dropdown are organized by product and release. You can also type in this field to quickly search for the product, release, or epic you need.

    • On an epic's details page, go to the Related tab to see all of the features in the epic. You can click 'Add feature' to add an existing feature to this epic or create a new one. The features in the dropdown are organized by product and release. You can also type in this field to quickly search for the product, release, or feature you need.

    Let us know if that helps or if you have ideas for improvements.

  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2021

    I do not remember which way I added to show you again. Can you please provide an overview of all the ways to add a feature and master feature? How do I tie a feature to a master feature?

  • Admin
    Austin Merritt
    Aug 19, 2021

    Thank you Melinda. Unfortunately the screenshot is not showing up. Can you try reattaching it? Also, can you share which Add features button you are using? There are a few ways to add a new feature while on the features board. Thanks!

  • Guest
    Aug 18, 2021

    Hello Austin, see below print screen. Yes, sometimes, it picks up where we left off in recent release, but sometimes, I have to scroll through miles of content to find it.

  • Admin
    Austin Merritt
    Aug 13, 2021

    Hi there, thank you for your idea! Can you share more details about which method you are using to add features? Typically the release field is defaulted to the next release in your current workspace when adding new features. This is intended to make it quicker like you mentioned. However I'm wondering if you are encountering a scenario where it is not happening. Thanks!