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Created by Michael Faust
Created on Mar 5, 2019

Filter Search by Product

We try to standardize common MRD and use cases throughout all of our products.  Which Aha supports well through the ability to copy features/master features from one release to another.


The problem comes though when searching (using the basic magnifying glass).

It would be great if search either was filtered by the product, product line, etc. already selected on the left, so that when you search for text that is common to a number of products you can filter down the search results for the product/product line/etc you already stated you were looking for.


Right now we are only getting 5-6 different products showing up, but over the next several years we expect that this is just going to get far noisy... to the point where the search option is going to be rendered relatively useless.


While I know you can filter by product if you click the "search all content..." button and then filter by product in the next page.  This takes what could be a simple and quick/useful search into a hassle:


1. Click the Spyglass icon.

2. Type the text you are searching for

3. Click the "Search all content..." button

4. Find and select the product on the left of the screen

5. finally you have what you could have found much earlier without having to wait for the server to respond and render an entirely new page with the full search results.


Note also you have now been taken out of the page you wanted to be in before and are now looking at a page you only looked at because the basic search function didn't filter things down like you wanted all along.


So now you have to either hit the back arrow some number of time or some other set of steps in order to get back to where you were before.

    Nov 29, 2024

    Thank you for the idea. This is possible today. The status of this idea was out of date.

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  • Perri-Anne Sims
    Mar 5, 2019

    I agree, filter within search results would be very helpful.