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Allow Delivery Risks to be included in Calculated Columns

Who would benefit? Executives or anyone who want to see a RAG status for Delivery Risks What impact would it make? By being able to add a delivery risk = True indicator to a list report, that RAG indicator can be pulled onto a roadmap and allow an...
Guest over 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Support notification on custom table updates

What is the challenge? Would like to send a notification to specific users when a new record has been added to a custom table. What is the impact? Today there is no alert when a custom table record is added or adjusted. Users need to look at repor...
Kristina Gass 7 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

User Report - Additional Filter - Last Activity

Being that we don't have a reliable user access management tool, our Admins clean up the users if no activity after 90 days. Unfortunately, there isn't a way to filter this, so I must click every user on the page in order to disable in bulk. Click...
Victoria Morrella almost 4 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Ability to choose how a copy functions

Who would benefit? Anyone who needs to copy a record What impact would it make? Save time How should it work? There are several ideas for improving how the copy function works in Aha! We have 2 specific request: to be able to choose whether to cop...
Steve Dagless about 1 year ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Enable the ability to automatically sort the feature cards in each workflow column (by score, estimate, rank, etc.)

This has been requested to provide more default options for sorting.
Donna Sawyer about 8 years ago in Features 10 Future consideration

Support approval gates in Aha! Develop

Quality is critical for my product. I want to ensure that all features go through QA testing before being marked as "done". The approval workflows implemented by Aha! Roadmaps solve my need well. I want Aha! Develop to respect those workflows as w...
Jeff Tucker almost 3 years ago in Workflow boards 1 Future consideration

Show a release report, listing all to-do's nested under the phases

We use the phases and gantt chart for the high-level planning, and individual to-dos under each phase for the non-functional tasks. It would be great to have one report that expands all the phases and to-dos so all the planning is visible, as oppo...
Paul Derbyshire almost 10 years ago in Releases 7 Future consideration

Read only ideas portal user

It would be good to have the concept of a read-only or vote-only ideas user permission This would effectively allow users to vote on existing ideas, but not create new ones.
Mark Evans over 5 years ago in Ideas portal 8 Future consideration

Include custom fields on Key results in csv import

What is the challenge? I have a list of key results that include data for custom fields I've added to my key result layout in Aha! I need to import them, but I cannot add the data from the custom fields to be included. What is the impact? Bulk imp...
Bonnie Trei 9 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Private idea comment visibility options

With the introduction of private idea portal comments, these comments can be made visible to all, or only to the comment creator and internal users. However, internal users may actually be a very wide audience and it would not always be appropriat...
Jeanette Resnikoff almost 2 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration