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Status Future consideration
Categories Ideas portal
Created by Mark Evans
Created on Sep 4, 2019

Read only ideas portal user

It would be good to have the concept of a read-only or vote-only ideas user permission

This would effectively allow users to vote on existing ideas, but not create new ones.

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    • Lee Jacobs
      Apr 27, 2023

      Great idea! We get way too many new and duplicate ideas and would like to only allow admin/power users to create ideas while allowing the rest of their users to view, comment, and vote.

    • Kelly Gibbs
      Jul 22, 2021

      My customers are desperate for this functionality!

    • Nerissa Muijs
      Mar 18, 2021

      This is definitely a great idea.

      I've just had one of my colleagues ask me to switch their portal to read only while they ask their customers to review their ideas over the coming weeks before we roll them over to a new, go-forward version of their product. Of course! I said. Only to discover that I can't?

      Who would have thought that this wasn't basic functionality.

      Our customers all access via the Salesforce SAML integration, so it would need to be compatible with that too.

    • Veronica Melin
      Feb 5, 2020

      This would greatly help my team out. 

      While our sales team would like to see ideas and subscribe to status updates, we would prefer the technical sales counterpart (more familiar with the product configuration side) submit ideas on their behalf. A read-only permission would solve for this. 

      Please support this in your Salesforce integration, too. I've noticed many portal features don't work as expected once integrated with SF. 

    • Aaron Kim
      Dec 4, 2019

      Yes, definitely needed please.

    • Guest
      Dec 4, 2019

      Good idea, would like to see this implemented

    • Hannah Jackson
      Dec 4, 2019

      This is huge, and necessary for enterprise level deployments of portals.  


      Enabling the following user types would be fabulous.

      1. Create: These users have full functionality in that they can create, comment, vote on ideas.

      2. Read only: Literally that, read only.

      3. Collaborate: These users should be able comment, vote, and view. They SHOULD NOT be able to create.


    • Marc Robinson
      Sep 4, 2019

      Brilliant idea.  This would be really useful.