Competitors - Better way of showing / swiping through competitor screenshots
Provide something like one or more "folders" to show per competitor (e.g. "mobile screenshots") and when clicking on them, open a modalbox and the user is able to easily click / swipe through them (and maybe also download them)
Michael Haizmann
almost 8 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Add Features and their content to the Notebook dynamically based on the Feature List defined for the Notebook
Notebooks are a great way to share content with stakeholders who do not use Aha! or do not want to have to use Aha!. Unfortunately Features and their associated content currently need to be added to a notebook manually. This therefore means I am e...
almost 8 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement
Provide Integration support for the fields added by the Scaled Power Up in Trello
The Scaled Power up in Trello adds the ability to set Priority, Points and make Epic Associations in Trello. It would be beneficial if these fields could be mapped in the Trello Integration to provide two way updates of these specialized fields.
almost 4 years ago
in Trello
Future consideration
Idea Workflow- Internal and Public facing statuses
Right now, it is possible to exclude certain statuses in the idea workflow from being displayed in the idea portals, which means that the ideas in those states show up with no status. Instead, it would be more useful to have a way to indicate how ...
Kate W
almost 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
Provide custom product structure visibility in reporting pivots
For larger portfolios of products, it's helpful to be able to report on the entire product portfolio in a summary structure and share it in Notebooks. It can also be especially useful during organizational transitions or transformations. Attached ...
Donna Sawyer
almost 8 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
I'd like to create a to-do on behalf of someone else. This is useful, when someone reqeusts something from me, and I would like to convert it to a to-do.
Ori Kanfer
almost 4 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
The location of Ideas in the top-level navigation seems out of place and I'm always a little thrown off by it. You've got Ideas between Releases and Features. To me, it makes more sense to put Ideas after Features. This would create a better hiera...
Tom Beck
almost 8 years ago
in Application
Will not implement
When viewing a feature's linked records, include the release name alongside any linked features
Seeing that a feature is dependent on another feature doesn't provide enough context. I'd like to see the release name listed along with the feature name (or have the option to choose what information is displayed here).
Andrew C
almost 4 years ago
Future consideration