I have restricted the navigation options depending on product line or child products, however I would like to resort the order that the navigation options appear - why does "Ideas" come between "Releases" and "Features". Logically "Ideas" should b...
Nigel Williams
over 8 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Allow email alias in accounts for replying to comments
We use multiple email addresses. We get Aha! comments and updates sent to one address, the user account email, but when replying we have to manually set the 'send from' address (in gmail) register the comment in the Aha system. It would be really ...
After modifying and saving a MockUp and click 'Go To Attachment', the user is taken to a close-up of the attachment but no way to get back to the parent note or object - which is what I want to do! A 'back to parent' button on the attachment detai...
almost 3 years ago
in Mockups
Already exists
Submit APP and PLAY store reviews from Zendesk to Ideas portal without an email address
We are struggling to add AppStore reviews/suggestions from Google Play and App Store via AHA using Zendesk. The customer is using APPBOT and this sends google and apple reviews directly to zendesk. Many of these reviews contain ideas. The customer...
almost 3 years ago
Future consideration
Open feature popup (with custom/mandatory fields) when adding a feature on board view (Develop)
Right now adding features from the board view doesn't require going through a full form, bypassing mandatory fields such as effort estimation, epic etc. Please add the ability to open a popup when attempting to add a feature (with the text already...
Eitan Hakak
almost 3 years ago
in Development / Features
Future consideration
For some of our workspaces, we have separate scores for customer impact and competitive advantage. I'd like to be able to add headings w/descriptions inside a scorecard so that we can use one overall scorecard and not use separate scorecards for e...
Jennifer Briden
almost 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Features/Master Features Board: Position newly added feature at the bottom rather than the top (and pushing existing features down)
When I add a new feature to a release, it is added to the top rather than bottom of the release and pushes existing features down. This is really annoying when I've got the existing features ordered as I want to view them. I have to manually drag ...
Perri-Anne Sims
almost 6 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Integrate with 3rd party digital marketing tools API
Importing campaign data from the many different marketing tools we digital marketers use every day can be time-consuming and a little frustrating. In order to monitor meaningful digital ad campaign results that do not show up in Google analytics (...
almost 6 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
Multi-line text editing in Feature/Master Feature titles
When editing the titles of master features (or I assume it applies to any item like features, initiatives, releases, etc), the text editor should display multiple lines instead of just one. For long titles, the one-line display results in having t...