User experience improvements for reporting on Feature scorecard metrics
There are two different sets of scorecard metrics for when reporting on Features.
The first group of metrics under the "Aha! Score metrics" header represent ALL potential metrics that can be applied to serve as the Feature system level scorecard....
Matt Case
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Extend Worksheet syntax to enable lookup many-to-many Custom table values
It would make the Worksheet field even more useful.
For example, a custom table with two fields, a key and a value:
Phase / Month
The Custom table has a many-t...
Sync with Jira include ability to link back to Aha Item
When configuring sync between Aha and Jira, it should include the ability to have a URL back to the associated Aha idea inserted in Jira field. This would allow Product and Engineering a better way to trace stories back to the original Features, O...
Joe Watson
about 5 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Combine Public and Private Comment tabs when working on ideas within Aha!
Having to switch between the public and private comments when reviewing ideas is cumbersome. It would be nice if those two tabs were combined with a filter available should I want to focus on one or the other.
Rachael Mueller
over 7 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
Allow resizing of the Release Phase Column & Reorder Release Phases on Release Details Page
1. Allow resizing Release Phase Column on the Release Details Page
Quite frequently our Release Phase names are longer than the default width of the Release Phase column on the Release Details Page.
E.g. "Planning Sprint 0 (TFS-0)" does not fit o...
Alex B
about 5 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
It is difficult to speak with a customer and try to find the correct idea they are asking about, without having access to the reference id. This request is to add it to both the My Ideas, and My Org's Ideas.
Sara Olson
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration