When configuring sync between Aha and Jira, it should include the ability to have a URL back to the associated Aha idea inserted in Jira field. This would allow Product and Engineering a better way to trace stories back to the original Features, Objectives, and Initiatives.
Just seeing this, and it's quite old, but you can do this now, at least for items that can actually sync through integration. (e.g. not Ideas). There is a URL field available in the Aha side of field mapping that will contain the Aha work item URL. I use this all the time.
Hi Joe, I am curious about your use case. Are you wanting to link back to the Aha! record that was sent to Jira? Your description mentions "Aha! idea" but ideas cannot be sent to Jira so I was not totally clear on what you are hoping to accomplish. If you are wanting to send a link back to the linked record, you can currently do that by mapping the URL from Aha! to a custom field in Jira. Thanks!