The available functions are great for most things but can cause things to get very confusing when a complex function is needed. It would be great to have the option to use javascript in place of these.
Dakota Eakin
over 2 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Features roadmap: Park releases directly under their start dates
The current features roadmap timeline is such that, if you have multiple releases, they will be stacked one after another (in chronological order), with each release tagged with a string to the actual start date. I.e. If I have a release that star...
over 2 years ago
in Calendar
Future consideration
Improve the response time of search when linking records where there are 100s of results
When using the type ahead search to link records or "Roll up" to initiatives/goals the response of the search can be very slow, making the user experience frustrating. When you initially select the field in a record, it can take a few seconds to l...
Andrew Brooks
over 4 years ago
in Search
Future consideration
Give certain idea portal users' votes more weight (or give them more votes)
While reviewing ideas with clients and internal stakeholders, I would like some of their votes to count more (or for them to have more votes) than others. For instance, the CEO of the company or the VP of Fundraising's opinion on an idea would cou...
about 7 years ago
in Voting
Already exists
We use the slack integration for PMs to know what each other is up to. It would be great to see the Product name as we change other details for each initiative. This makes it clear what product is changing.
Ken DeBlois
about 7 years ago
in Slack
Future consideration
Better error handling when Trello card to move across boards
It is common practice for teams to have multiple Trello Boards. For example, in our organization, we have our "current development" board with Next Up, In Progress, Awaiting Validation, Completed ... and but like any product organization, you do n...
Angus Davis
over 9 years ago
in Trello
Will not implement
Please add an option to view dashboards full screen. There is so much white space at the top of dashboards it makes them difficult to use on smaller laptop screens.
Eric Cannady
over 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Limit number of people who can work together on a feature
I would like to specify the number of people from a team who can effectively work on a feature and have that be taken into account in the capacity report in order to avoid the problem of the mythical man month. Today the capacity report can be use...
Tobias Lehtipalo
over 2 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration