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Mark Epics as Achieved when all linked Features are Shipped

I always manually mark an epic as Achieved after I ship all dependent features, if I could choose to automate this it would save that step. Similarly, if all features in a release are shipped, I'd want to automatically have the release marked as s...
Guest over 4 years ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

A way to group specific status into one, and report on it

I am trying to create a ‘splash’ for our customers before they log into our idea site. I want to play up the ideas that they have entered, and how many of these ideas were actually developed. A ‘hey! Look what we have done based on your suggestion...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Product line prefix for all ideas of all product workspaces under it

Let's consider an example to understand it better: I have a product line called: "Line1" having a prefix as "L1" I have 2 product workspaces under the same product line, i.e., Product A with prefix as "PA" Product B with prefix as "PB" I have an i...
Siddharth Bhojnagarwala over 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Integrate with Prezi!

Maybe this more of a product idea for Prezi team, but it would be very cool to be able to embed Aha! views and notebooks within a Prezi. Maybe there is already? The business value would be able to convey complex visual concepts (prezi) mixed with ...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Wanted 0 Will not implement

User story map should be renamed user journey map

to avoid confusion with user stories.
Carl Veillette over 2 years ago in User story map 0 Future consideration

Provide Zendesk agents with a link to the Ideas Portal

Aha! allows a Zendesk agent to link/create an idea, but there isn't a simple way to access the idea to review additional information, comments, etc. Aha! does provide a link to the idea within Zendesk, but the link is to the internal idea that is ...
Barbara Berry over 4 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Add the work item Id to the Import new records dialog

It would be useful to show the work item Id in the list of records available to import as it's easier to search for a specific identifier than a name
David Beaumier over 4 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 5 Future consideration

Phases and Milestones view's visible fields on presentations

It would be helpful to be able to edit phases and milestones view's visible fields similar to what can be done for releases, features, etc. When adding phases and milestone views to presentations the entire record view is added. Many times one nee...
Reut Levi over 4 years ago in Presentations 3 Future consideration

Add ability to set unique colors to a specific Product in a Workspace in the Releases/Gantt View

When viewing the Epics Gantt chart view via Releases > Gantt, it would be helpful to see different colors or set specific colors that are available to a specific product within a product line. The use of this would be for when multiple releases...
Guest over 4 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Rounding of custom date fields to nearest quarter/month in reports

An external release date can be rounded to the nearest month or quarter in reports. It would be beneficial if something similar can be done with custom date fields? This gives a product manager more flexibility in how to report custom dates to dif...
Guest about 9 years ago in Reports 1 Unlikely to implement