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Score of Scores

I would like to be able to include the value from another scorecard in a scorecard. We have some attributes in our total score calculation that indicate how valuable this would be for customers and another that indicates the value for prospects (a...
Alex Horan over 7 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Freeze top row of list and pivot reports when sharing as a webpage

A list/pivot report in Aha! freezes the top header row when scrolling down, but when sharing as a webpage, the top row is not frozen. It would be helpful to have the top header row frozen so stakeholders don't have to scroll back up to see the col...
Bastian Schoell about 3 years ago in  1 Future consideration

Allow adding hierarchy report to dashboard

It would be helpful to be able to add a hierarchy report as a dashboard panel.
Shri Iyer almost 3 years ago in  2 Future consideration

Trigger a refresh of a report when report is saved

What is the challenge? When filters are applied to pivot table and custom roadmaps, the "Save Changes" option does not refresh the report. After selecting the save button, the user then has to refresh the report to render the filter selections. Wh...
Ashley Tierney 6 months ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Development Integration -- Support rendering of images embedded in description field

Currently when you import from Jira or Azure DevOps, if you have images embedded into the description field, they come over as a link in the Aha! description field, e.g. imagename.png. It would be great if they would render in Aha! like they do in...
Mike Maylone over 4 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 9 Future consideration

Add Templates via Automation

What is the challenge? Manually process to add multiple templates to an Epic or Feature What is the impact? Time waste management for the entire team Describe your idea We have created multiple templates that would be added to our Epics or Feature...
Guest 3 months ago in Application 2 Future consideration

Rendering Framework Steps as Pills

Framework step URLs do not render as pills when pasted into notes fields of Aha! In the same way that other record types do. It makes cross-referencing steps less visually appealing and slower to do because a standard text link has to be created.
Steve Dagless 6 months ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration

ability to reference other fields within Aha record when using Draft with Ai

What is the challenge? When using draft with AI and basing the prompt on data that is already within Aha, it is necessary to have multiple windows or documents open in order to provide the prompt with the key points. What is the impact? The abilit...
Austin Wheat 9 months ago in Notes 2 Future consideration

Ability to add an expiry date for shared webpages report.

What is the challenge? Currently there is no expiry date option present to be added to a shared webpage report as it the shareable links needs to be disabled manually. What is the impact? Instead of manually disabling the webpage it would be bette...
Guest 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Distinguish parking lots in automations

Release dates are hidden from the UI on parking lot categories. Automations based on those release dates, however, access these hidden dates and act on them. This means that some automation rules will behave in seemingly erratic because they take ...
Becky Amirault about 2 months ago in  0 Planning to implement