What is the challenge? Trying to configure a release automation to set the "Feature start date" and "Feature due date" to be the same as the "Release start date" and "Release due date" What is the impact? Using custom/alternate fields where this i...
Dale Potter
4 months ago
in Application
Future consideration
What is the challenge? When referencing object in chat with team-mates, I have to copy the URL link and then modify to include object name (feature name, release name, etc.). What is the impact? If I don't do that, my team-mates must open the link...
Lukas Slavicek
8 months ago
in Application
Future consideration
Public Users Watch and Subscribe to Knowledgebase Articles being Published.
What is the challenge? We would like to use Knowledgebase Advanced to track things like User Documentation, FAQs, and Release Notes and make this available publicly. However we need a way to disseminate this information to our users who have want ...
9 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
What is the challenge? We leverage Adobe Analytics for a lot of analytics and reporting. It would be great to have a direct non-third-party integration. What is the impact? Allowing for synergy between our goals and roadmaps in Aha! and our report...
about 1 month ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
What is the challenge? We have standard automations needed across a majority of the account with a few exceptions. We would like to disable those that we do not want to be used in certain workspaces. What is the impact? 99% of the time we want wor...
Michael Bruner
about 1 month ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Want to use pivot table view as a progress tracker (similar to Kanban) What is the impact? More teams and more collaborative ritual can be done inside Aha Describe your idea We have a custom field marking 5 stages of UX desi...
Puppy Tsai
5 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Require completion of certain fields with promoted ideas
Epic, feature and initiative layouts allow you to require certain inputs when these records are created in the platform. But if they are promoted from an ideas, portal, individuals are able to bypass the completion of these 'required' fields.
Danielle A
about 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Roadmap history: Show when delivery risk flags were raised or removed
Who would benefit? Product teams tracking delivery risks What impact would it make? Teams often need to understand not just what records are currently at risk, but when the risk was raised (and by whom, when relevant) and when the risk was mitigat...
Reilly O'Connor
11 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Show 'Add vote' button for ideas unfurled in Slack
It would be cool if the slack integration had an 'Add vote' button for ideas posted in Slack along with the Add comment button. Then, people could quickly vote on newly created ideas without leaving Slack.
Todd Meyer
7 months ago
in Slack
Future consideration