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Persistent filters for integrations and incoming product updates

Using JIRA integrations, I have an Aha product that spans several JIRA projects. To work with this I have set up an integration per project with a specified JQL filter. For example my filter could include "priority = high". Other products througho...
Guest about 6 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Copy a feature should link to the copied feature

When creating a copy of a feature, the record links are also copied over. However, it would be really useful if at this time a new "Relates to..." record link could be created to link it to the copied feature. I often use the "copy" functionality...
Guest over 5 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Storage services to connect to google drive ?

What is the challenge? All my business is using Google Suite What is the impact? Convenience Describe your idea Would lile to choose the Google Drive
Guest 9 months ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

Japanese language support

What is the challenge? Workspace document is buggy when typing Japanese. Sometimes Japanese sentences are removed, wrong indentations are created. What is the impact? Huge. We are instead using Notion just for documentation. Describe your idea Add...
Guest 9 months ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Fixed width for presentation PDF export

When I export a presentation to PDF the width of slides is not fixed, depending on their content. This could actually be considered a bug.
Tomer almost 4 years ago in Presentations 1 Future consideration

Using estimates to power progress meter

We use initiatives to track progress at a high level. The initiatives contain master features and features. Each feature is estimated in story points and no 2 features are the same size. In the current scenario, if I have 10 features within an ini...
samir karandikar over 5 years ago in Capacity planning 3 Future consideration

Better filtering by product/workspace in the ideas portal

I just noticed that when you have a multiple-product portal, the filtering by product does not affect the filter status count. However, when you use the search text field, it does filter status and product/category counts. See attached screenshots...
Stephanie Redl over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Graphing of goal and initiative relationships

While several of the analytics tools (pivots, hierarchies, diagrams, etc.) can show the relationship between goals and initiatives, there is redundancy and the result is often rather busy. I would love to be able to generate a simple hierarchical ...
Guest about 3 years ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration

As a Product Owner, I need a Strategy Roadmap that shows Initiatives in the Gantt Chart with linked Features beneath each Initiative in the Chart, so I can see where each feature fits within the duration of each Initiative

Each Initiative has features linked to it. As I present the features that we have planned for each initiative I need to be able to show that the feature work will fit within the planned initiative timeframe. Also, when I describe each initiative, ...
Randon Morford almost 7 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

Be able to change the color icon associated with each release

Similar to initiatives would like the ability to change the color of release. The color can be used as key to group things together on the reports
Pratishtha Dixit almost 4 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration