When creating a copy of a feature, the record links are also copied over. However, it would be really useful if at this time a new "Relates to..." record link could be created to link it to the copied feature.
I often use the "copy" functionality to break features down into smaller chunks, but in order to track all the related i then have to go back and find the feature numbers and then manually create links.
Thank you for the idea. Given the low volume of support for this idea, we do not have plans to make updates in this area at this time.
Voted just now. My use case is that I have a core platform workspace and create variant products from this as separate workspaces. I want to be able to clone the core platform version at a chosen point, and create a clone of it and then modify the cloned version features and epics to become unique.
We show core platform feature development on core board, but products that ship to customers are actually those described on the variant boards, variant 1 to customer 1, variant 2 to customer 2 etc
I second this suggestion. I just submitted an idea similar to this asking for the trace left in the history but this idea is much better! Thanks!
I could really use this to track the features developed across multiple mobile device platforms. (Where is is quite literally a duplicate, and I only need the extra copy to put it on the roadmap and integrate with our development environment)