Top Row Date line freeze when scrolling in dashboard panel
When I am working on a Roadmap, the date axis at the top is frozen in place. If I create a custom view of a Roadmap, and then add it as a panel to a Dashboard, the top row date axis is not frozen and will disappear as I scroll down. This makes it ...
almost 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Show "Record Links" between custom table entries and standard Aha records (goals, objectives, features, etc.)
If you create a custom table that includes any Aha record field, that table gives you a tag-like ability to see and link associated Aha records. However, when looking at an Aha record, it gives no indication that there's a related custom table ent...
Brian Trombley
over 4 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Ability to see the total number of features in a workspace by selected releases.
Who would benefit? Everyone, project managers that need to view full scope of work for team What impact would it make? Numerical visibility How should it work? View count in the corner or somewhere visible on the screen. Something that shows the c...
about 1 year ago
in Features
Future consideration
The Ideas Advanced plan currently supports ideas portal translations in English, Spanish, German, French, or Dutch. Having portal translations in Italian would be helpful as well.
Most of the Ideas area can be branded - it would help to be able to brand the "Thanks for submitting your idea" confirmation in submit-only portals to be a graphic other than the Aha! cartoon of a man holding a sign. You can add your own logo, but...
Donna Sawyer
about 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
I'm not able to list all my favorites of any kind in a single place I'm aware of the Roadmaps > Library > My favorites pathbut I experiences an actual case where I've favorited a custom view but cannot find it in either the above mentionned ...
Pascal B
over 1 year ago
in Application
Future consideration
Allow Custom Roles to allow the creation of report folders
We find report folders are something often required by our teams but, as we have few owners to control Worksapces, Layouts etc., we ould like Contributors to be able to create them
Keith Mantell
about 4 years ago
Future consideration
Mapping "To-do" from Aha! to Trello "checklist" and Users between trello and Aha.
I found out that in order to assign a user from Aha to Trello you can use Tags to let Trello users know that a card is assigned to someone. However it is not really assigned to someone, it is just a tag( Capture5.png #2). Once in trello you have t...
Leonel Romero
over 6 years ago
in Trello
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Currently you cannot export or create a list report of the users in an approval group. What is the impact? Auditing capabilities of users in a workspace approval group. Describe your idea Found in Settings > Workspace >...
Manny Pannu
7 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration