Allow portal users to manually select their language
With Aha! Ideas Advanced the ideas portal can now support multiple languages. The portal will automatically detect a user's browser language and display the portal in that language (assuming the language is enabled for the portal). However, some u...
Kelly Sebes
about 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
As a customer, I need to be able to see a description of each Product Category option so that I submit my Idea in the correct space. As the Ideas Community Manager, I need customers to be able to submit new Ideas in the correct Product Categories....
Ginger Alford
about 3 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Have Workflow view respect release ranking from Features board
Currently the ranking in the Features Workflow board is not respecting the ranking from the Features Board. We use the workflow board for collaborating with the engineering team for planning and monitoring work. If we rank work in one board it is ...
Ronnie Merkel
over 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Need full two way integration of a Story with VSTS
Right now you can push a Feature and associated stories to VSTS but if you delete a story in VSTS you have to manually delete in Aha. We need:
1) any story delete in VSTS to be automatically deleted in Aha
2) any story added in VSTS to a Feature...
As a user I would like the ability to customise the legend within an Analytics Report. Currently this is locked to be alphabetical, I would prefer the legend to be in status workflow order. When creating a report it would be beneficial if the user...
Matt Gunnell
almost 7 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
What is the challenge? When creating a custom chart, if you do not have existing data that includes at least one of the values available, you will not be prompted to give those values a color. What is the impact? Reports don't look good. Designer ...
Sarah H
6 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
What is the challenge? We cannot associate a Release with a Team What is the impact? We cannot do necessary analysis in assigned Releases, commitment and deadline scores etc - stuff outside of Capacity. Describe your idea Allow the core Teams fiel...
Support configuring capacity units of time for ADO server integrations
What is the challenge? Currently the "Configure" option to select units of time to send estimates to ADO is only avaiable on the ADO Services integration and is not available for users using the Server integrations. What is the impact? Users are u...
What is the challenge? A release’s capacity can pull from the best estimate of its features. However, in order for the release show work done when a feature is completed, the feature must have had a detailed estimate or had actual effort logged. Y...
Becca Bommarito
6 months ago
Future consideration
"Hide from Shared Views" Button for Now, Next, Later Roadmap
What is the challenge? The only way to hide an epic from a now, next, later roadmap is to wholly filter it from the report. We convey different info to different stakeholders/teams in the org and, for example, will often hide certain epics from sa...
6 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration