It would be helpful to be able to lock the status of items within the parking lot to ensure agile capacity planning for team. This would align any items on the active board to the correct planning stage, and eliminate room for error within the par...
Annika Hudson
about 3 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Jira: import both time estimates and story points into Aha estimate field
We have multiple teams using Aha within a workspace. Some of these teams use Story points, other use time based estimates. While we can set the estimate type used per release within one workspace, we can't import story points into the Original Est...
Ate Fokkinga
about 3 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
I need a way to compare versions of Features/Requirements in a Release
Before pushing a release to Jira, we do reviews of Features/Requirements with engineering. This may happen several times and we end up with multiple versions of the Release details. This makes it hard to compare the difference between the old and ...
Aldon C
almost 10 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
Custom scorecard components/elements are available for reports but NOT for integrations.
We actually would like to display the individual pieces that comes our WSJF scorecard for our initiatives in Aha. Right now, I can pull the individual scores into an Aha report, but I'm not able to send the same data to JIRA. We use dashboards in ...
Wen-Wen Lin
about 5 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Unsubscribe option on weekly idea portal notification email
This is a very basic, fundamental requirement of any scheduled email distributions for the user themselves as a self serve option... and not an expected admin operation.
Jeff Shaffer
over 1 year ago
in User management
Already exists
When doing reports on To Dos, a common need is to evaluate how many pending, overdue, complete to-do's by assignee. However, when a todo is assigned to more than one person, the reporting creates those assignees as separate groups. Consequently, t...
Karie Kelly
over 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
I'm looking at There is an API to search ideas by name, by id, by tag but I don't see any API to search ideas by custom fields. Is that supported?
over 7 years ago
in API / Ideas
Future consideration
make Work Request responders available in reports of Workspace settings
I'm trying to create a report which shows who are set in the Work Request configuration to be notified for incoming Work Requests to that workspace. This field is not available in the Workspace Settings record when reporting. Please add it.
Jor Bratko
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Capacity for teams: API support for team schedules
Ability to create and update schedules via the API. This would allow us to automate team availability (user's PTO or maternity/paternity) and easily update company holidays.