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Status Future consideration
Categories API Ideas
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 6, 2017

API to query on custom fields

I'm looking at

There is an API to search ideas by name, by id, by tag but I don't see any API to search ideas by custom fields. Is that supported?

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  • Gilly Dekel
    Mar 8, 2020

    This would also be very useful for features and not just ideas

  • Paul Nuschke
    Oct 12, 2018

    I went down a rabbit hole today trying to get ideas into Trello for an easy roadmap view and prioritization exercise. Ideally, I would be able to query on a custom field so that I don't have to pull all records. If that isn't doable, it would at least be helpful to get the custom fields in the query so I can fliter the results based on it after the fact.