Make timeline bars for releases on the built-in Portfolio Roadmap use the Release Start Date field
Currently the built-in Portfolio Roadmap uses the Release End Date field to plot the timeline bars but the beginning of the bar is based on the a date inherited from the earliest date of any child Features in the Release. This leads to a messy, co...
Paul Edge
over 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
It should be possible to import releases on a product line level. Any level of workspace hierarchy which supports the creation of any records should also support the bulk import of these records via csv.
about 3 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Customize / Create New Record Link Relationship Types
In Aha! we can only create record link with the 6 default relationship types, while in Jira the new relationship types can be added and are customizable. We n...
Hank Liu
almost 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
When we create a predefined choice list. Blank is shown as by default. it would be nice if the first value in my choice list is shown as default. it would reduce one user click.
Ravikiran N
over 2 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
When uploading a CSV into Aha!, it only allows you to select: Features, Goals, Ideas, Initiatives, Products, Releases, or Users. It doesn't allow you to create/import data for Competitors or Strategy Models which is critial for us migrating Vendor...
over 5 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Customer-facing teams (e.g. account managers) What impact would it make? It would allow team members primarily using Salesforce to pull reports on areas of the product that are important to the accounts/customers they manage. Ho...
Kellen Hawley
about 1 year ago
in Salesforce
Future consideration
Our engineers use Trello which is incredibly easy for them to use, though nowhere near as powerful as Aha. However, like Piovtal, Trello makes it incredibly easy to add comments. You just tap or click into the comment entry input box, just like us...
I don't understand Aha navigation at all. It's impossible to find anything. To find a something, I have to locate the project in the tiny drop down, then I have to somehow know that what I'm looking for exists in one of the dozens of functions on ...
Segment tags by individual workspace or workspace folder hierarchy
What is the challenge? We now have dozens if not hundreds of colleagues across the business using Aha! who have been creating and using tags. Because tags are universally accessible by all organisational users of Aha!, this now makes it impossible...
Ian Babelon
5 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Enable knowledge base header bar links to open in new tab
What is the challenge? Selecting a button in a knowledge base header navigation bar navigates away from the KB if the link is external What is the impact? Users are confused--e.g., if the external link is to a form to provide feedback about the KB...
5 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration