A small item but a constant irritant. I should be able to access the dashboard of reports with one click, but I have to click 'Roadmaps' (only some items under this tab are Roadmaps - which is additionally confusing) then move down to Overview, th...
charles bagnall
over 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Add more granular admin permission for configuring product lines
In order to maintain consistency across the product hierarchy, it is important to keep control over the naming and organization of product lines and products. In many cases some users should have administrator access to make customizations for the...
Austin Merritt
about 7 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Expand Knowledge Base to enable in-app notifications in MY app
What is the challenge? Updates and notifications to the Knowledge Base rely on a user being logged in to the Knowledge Base itself to see these. What is the impact? Updates won't be shared in the way I want them to be. Describe your idea Users are...
Sophia Papadopoulos
9 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
Automation Rules are incredibly powerful but are limited to a very small subset of standard fields per item (ideas, epics, features, initiatives, etc.). We're constantly finding ourselves wish that a standard field would exist so that we can creat...
Conner Helton
over 1 year ago
in Epic
Future consideration
I would like to extend the current subscriber/notifications to also provide updates when someone votes on their idea and any kind of update occurs beyond just the current notifications which are tied to certain status changes. This is extremely us...
over 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
I'm not sure how you'd technically make this work, but as a product manager I'm always looking for ways to better coordinate my feature definitions with the wireframes and high-fidelity comps produced by our design team. We've really taken to a to...
almost 8 years ago
in Integrations
Unlikely to implement
What is the challenge? We want to distinguish between Epics which end up in the product, and Enablers which are required to deliver the product but not a part of the product itself What is the impact? By not having a record type of Enabler, we can...
4 months ago
in Epic
Unlikely to implement
Add a shortcut command for entering the current date anywhere in the User Story or Idea
What is the challenge? Entering completion dates for each checklist item and other items (or date needed for any reason) requires a number of keystrokes. What is the impact? A bit of excessive time to make the entry. Describe your idea Create a sh...
David Yelenchic
4 months ago
in Application
Future consideration
What is the challenge? I draft beautiful documents in Aha! Notes, but when I want to export them to PDF, the heading of the document also exports into the PDF. This is undesirable, because the Note heading in Aha! is for internal use. What is the ...
Madeleine Black
4 months ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Text search for content (Notes, Textboxes) in Whiteboards
Who would benefit? All Whiteboard users: creators, regular users, collaborators, viewers, occasional visitors... What impact would it make? Make it easier for all users to find specific content within Whiteboards. Text search would be an obvious s...
Ian Babelon
about 1 year ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration