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Simplify navigation to My Reports

A small item but a constant irritant. I should be able to access the dashboard of reports with one click, but I have to click 'Roadmaps' (only some items under this tab are Roadmaps - which is additionally confusing) then move down to Overview, then click. Then I usually click Created by Me. I doubt the menu under the 'Roadmaps' tab gets much usage. People mainly want to go straight to 'My Reports' which would include lists/notebooks etc.

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    • David Kettinger
      Sep 20, 2019

      I totally agree.  The menu name "Roadmaps" makes no sense here and is extremely confusing.  Not everything under that menu is a roadmap.  A roadmap can be considered a type of report but not vice versa.  How about just changing the menu  name back to "Reports" and not even bother with making it a configurable term?

    • Katie Tokarz
      Jun 24, 2019

      Agree with all these comments.  Is it possible to have the option to change the "roadmap" name to whatever custom name is needed?  Not sure why it was changed to that from "reporting" for all the reasons mentioned here.

    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Jun 10, 2019

      We recently added two new sections to the saved views modal and to the reports dashboard:

      • Recents

      • Favorites

      This blog post provides more details. Thanks!

    • charles bagnall
      Jun 5, 2019

      Exactly Tessa - thank you

    • Tessa Adair
      Apr 25, 2019

      This is a huge pain point for me and my team. No one can ever find the reports unless I send them a direct link, partially because they do not think to look under the "Roadmaps" tab for things that are not roadmaps, and partially because it is just so many clicks that they get lost.

      Even as a heavy Aha user who knows where to go, it constantly drives me crazy how many clicks it takes to get to a report, and it wastes precious meeting time finding them. If there was a super quick way to navigate to some "pinned" or "recent" reports that would help a lot. 

    1 MERGED

    Reports tab

    There's different between reports and roadmap. Today all reports are under the roadmap tab. To find a report you need to go to Roadmaps-->Dashboard-->Overview. That's highly non-intuitive. It will be helpful to have a "Reports" tab separate ...
    Ron Ellenbogen over 5 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration