Currently you can assign and view the rank of a feature (drag and drop to reorder, show Rank column in List view). You can also drag and drop Requirements within a feature today, but there's no way of showing that ranking. This would help us to fu...
As a product manager or administrator who has many products, I would like the ability to easily sort and filter files by product and be able to see file details related to who it was uploaded by and when.
Scott Goldblatt
over 8 years ago
in Reports
Show competition threat score on the detail view and optionally on the competition list
The threat score is an important, simple metric that helps people identify which competitor(s) they should really read about, comment on, or even subscribe to (in Aha). However, you have to click on and edit each and every competitor to see the th...
Develop Contributor Role - Grant permission to promote Roadmap Ideas into Develop User Stories.
Develop Contributor Role - Grant permission to the Develop Contributor Role enabling this role the ability promote Roadmap Ideas into Develop User Stories.
Capacity Planning default time setting applied to integration data
Who would benefit? Anyone using an integration with time based settings What impact would it make? Showing accurate estimates in Aha that match Azure Dev Ops How should it work? The estimate and effort fields in ADO are numeric. Our teams are esti...
Uniquely link and filter to-do's to associated Document/Note
Who would benefit? anyone who uses to-do's in Notes/Pages/Documents What impact would it make? reduce manual work, ability to view progress against different record types How should it work? If to-do's are created on a Note/Page/Document, the to-d...
Whiteboard Bug - Trying to make row shorter makes it a lot longer
Who would benefit? whiteboard users What impact would it make? How should it work? Shrink or don't make it longer Or show which field is restricting from making it shorter. video example attached
Report improvement: Show product line goals, the initiatives that link to them and the child initiatives that are below
I've setup inititiatives for our development teams. Each initiative rolls-up to a "roll-up initiative" at the product line level.Each Roll-up initiative is linked to a product line goal. I would like to create a report that shows: Goals -> Roll...