Allow inherited custom field layouts that can be extended for specific products
We would like to have a core set of common fields used in the field layouts for all products, but there will still be a need to support custom fields needed only by a subset of products. If we could have products inherit a custom field layout and ...
almost 7 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Currently, it's not possible to view the capacity report on the dashboard, only on presentations or a shared webpage. This is a major area of importance for us as we grow and update our procedures.
Charles Ralston
almost 3 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Certain documentation in a knowledge base only applies to a subset of users (ex: product-specific, admin guides, different versions). If you don't want all users to see those documents, then you must create separate knowledg...
Sarah Moisan-Thomas
3 months ago
Future consideration
What is the challenge? When you create a workflow in Whiteboards and use the leaders, the leaders often get completely screwed up later on. I'm using primarily the right angle leaders. When they get screwed up, all of the leaders collapse to the a...
3 months ago
in Whiteboards
Already exists
Allow automations to update records created by the same automation
What is the challenge? Automations can be used to create new to-do, approvals, work-requests, and even requirements on features. It would be helpful to be able to populate certain fields on the newly created records at the same time that they are ...
Chris Quigley
3 months ago
in Application
Future consideration
Whiteboards: Hovering over a colour shows the colour name
What is the challenge? As a colour blind individual, I find it difficult to know which colour I'm selecting What is the impact? I have no idea what colour I am selecting for background or font colours Describe your idea simply add a tooltip of the...
Dean P
3 months ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
What is the challenge? When reviewing the history of an epic/story/release, I have to search through many pages to locate what I need. What is the impact? Significant reduction of time spent searching for historical data Describe your idea Add an ...
Tashia Mossman
7 months ago
in Releases
Already exists
Allow idea name to be in later steps of dynamic form
What is the challenge? Currently in an ideas portal layout, the idea name must be present on the first "step" of a dynamic form. It can be helpful for a user to go through other questions first before entering their idea name. What is the impact? ...
Emily Yankush
7 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Having many presentations, it would be useful to have the possibility to arrange them into folders, similarly to what is possible with reports What is the impact? In the presentations view, folders can be created and present...
Nicola Rolando
7 months ago
in Presentations
Already exists
What is the challenge? We are using the admin message as a change log to provide customers a history of what is going on behind the scenes with an idea until it becomes a feature. Updates to the admin message do not provide a notification to the v...
Jerimiah Rudden
10 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration