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Add ability to notify all members of an organization with idea updates

In our use case, ideas are collected from internal stakeholder groups who we would like to group into organizations. But, this really only becomes useful for us if all members of that organization are notified of updates on ideas that are associat...
Reilly O'Connor about 2 years ago in Ideas / Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Burn down by feature / epic / initiative

As a manager of business analysts I want to see the definition "burn down" of a given feature, epic, or initiative over time. For example, how much of a given epic or initiative is being defined vs. ready for development vs. ready for release etc....
Guest about 5 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Freeze the top (header) row of a table in descriptions

In a recent meeting someone shared a lengthy table and I had to scroll up to remind myself what the column headers were. It would be great if I could freeze the header in a table within a description field. Spreadsheets allow the user to freeze th...
Austin Merritt almost 5 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Add Broadcast Capability to Ideas

We would like to be able to broadcast information to our Ideas community and provide one more means of communication to let them know about new features, new releases and or just to communicate about general upside of using Ideas for our product.
Guest over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Future consideration

Display Dashboards / Webpages in Tableau

For security reasons, we cannot have Aha! set to "allow anyone to access." Still, we need the ability to provide a seamless experience for our Executives and users to derive value from the Aha! data. We want to be able to display these in Tableau ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Wanted 2 Future consideration

Report on team members by team

When managing teams within the Capacity Planning for Teams feature, there needs to be an ability to quickly report on the list of team members within each team. It would also be very helpful for that list to be exportable. A common scenario is to ...
Mark Eaves almost 4 years ago in Capacity planning / Reports 3 Future consideration

Create a master release via API as like normal releases

We need an API to Create a master release like normal releases we have now in the system
Guest over 1 year ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Custom fields for business models

Custom fields are available for most other sections except the Business Model. Adding custom fields to the business model will allow users to include more structured information around quantitative aspects of the business model such as pricing.
Guest over 6 years ago in Strategy 6 Future consideration

Allow filtering to-dos by "to-do record"

My team uses to-dos to track non-development/engineering tasks that need to completed. We'd love to filter to-dos in a list report by the associated record, so we can look at the to-dos specifically on initiatives, releases, epics, etc. to match t...
David I. about 1 year ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Win Loss Analysis Portal

Area to conduct and analyze Win/Loss Analysis for deals won and lost and associated product feedback that can be used to drive creation of new features, prioritization of existing features, planned release of features, additional market research n...
Matt Wagnon about 7 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration