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Ability to re-arrange filters in a report - shared or non shared report

Who would benefit? All users using reports What impact would it make? Allow the report writer to customize the filtering to follow a logic from report to report as filters could be rearranged How should it work? Report writer can re-arrange the re...
Steven Schafer 10 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Ability to link a whiteboard record to an existing record in Aha

I am loving the new whiteboard functionality and will be reviewing our use of a competitor (Miro) who has a set of similar functionality. I appreciate that I can create a new Aha record when brainstorming in the whiteboard. However, we often have ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Whiteboards 1 Already exists

Lower Shipped Epics in Drop Down Lists

After you've been using Aha! for a while, the number of epics builds up. This can be come a hinderence when you are looking to add a feature to an epic and the drop down list has dozens of results. After speaking with Aha! engineers, it was pointe...
Guest about 4 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Add additional info to ideas in portal

We allow our global systems engineer community to vote on ideas in the idea portal. Would be nice to allow them to attach other data to ideas (more than comments) that would be related Deal IDs, The geo they represent, etc.
Guest about 4 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Future consideration

Template values for all (built-in and custom) note-type fields

As we’ve been adopting Aha we’ve also been trying to standardize on ways of expressing the problem that we’re trying to solve with a feature request and the parameters around that. To do this consistently we want to be able to provide a standard t...
Rich Baldry over 3 years ago in Application 1 Future consideration

Assign Idea to more than one PM

Currently, we are only able to assign an Idea to one person. When the Idea touches cross functional features, being able to assign to multiple PMs (perhaps a Primary PM and Secondary PMs) would be much easier than having to use the work around of ...
Ginger Alford about 4 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Tie feature start and end dates to status

It would be useful to have feature start date automatically be set when it moves to "In Development" and end date autosets to "Deployed" status. This would help track how long features take and would take one step out of the process for team membe...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Save list reports in Develop Essentials

Analytics and Reporting are part of Develop Advanced, and users in those accounts are able to save list reports. However, some teams use list reports as part of their backlog and sprint management process. They don't need sophisticated analytics, ...
Jeff Tucker over 3 years ago in Agile reports / Sprints 1 Future consideration

Importing Users: User welcome email template is not available for editing?

Currently, when adding users one at a time, I can customize the welcome message on the fly. This option is NOT available to me however if I am adding users via the CSV Import mechanism. Interestingly enough, I am asked if I want to send a welcome ...
Joe Carpenter about 4 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Setup integrations on Product Lines

It would be very nice to setup our pivotal tracker integration on a product line. That way if a ticket moves between products in that product line it retains the integration that was configured for it.
Jason Novek over 9 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 3 Unlikely to implement