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Aha history to include deletes

As an an admin or product operations manager, record history is important when understanding who may have done what when it seems that the outcomes/results are not supporting the processes so that we can identify who is making any updates or delet...
Karie Kelly over 4 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Organizations: Add features tab to Organization detail page

I would like to see everything linked to an Organization on the organization detail page. Currently it gives great insight into ideas - with graphs and number of ideas, what has shipped recently etc. I would like to see the same information about ...
Jennifer Lange about 3 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Being able to bulk edit features (and epics) with numerical progress values.

As a business analyst, I would like to be able to bulk edit features and likely epics with a numerical progress value, so that I can quickly update multiple complete features based on progress. -once a feature progress calculation is set to "Manua...
Guest about 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

add organizations and contacts to notes using #

When creating a note, I'd like to reference the customer(s) or the contacts that a feature, initiative, or interview is associated with. Goal: I want to look at an organization and be able to see if we've interviewed them, who they talked to, what...
Ryan Hutnick about 2 years ago in Notes 1 Future consideration

Creating a workspace should make the user an Owner

Who would benefit? Users who create a new workspace, admins What impact would it make? It would allow the user who created a workspace to immediately start working in & configuring the workspace. At present, when a user creates a new workspace...
David I. about 1 year ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Custom field dropdown list - show all values for reasonable numbers of options

When a custom field is used to show values in a dropdown list (in this case, relations to a custom table), a set of 88 values is requiring a search before it shows any of the values to the user. It would be helpful to display all 88 values so user...
Shannon Gupta about 1 year ago in  0 Future consideration

Lead/ROI tracker - track business ROI on campaigns, concepts & more..etc

Who would benefit? Directors, Marketing & Sales department - Tracking Value & ROI What impact would it make? Business growth tracking & identifying where the target audience is finding you (the business) How should it work? Have an opt...
Guest about 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Don't require a color selection for each sticky note

When brainstorming quickly, it's helpful to be able to pop sticky notes onto a whiteboard, but choosing a color every time slows me down. I would rather have the option to change the color if needed, but have a persistent color selection until tha...
Reilly O'Connor about 2 years ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

desktop or mobile notes synchronization

Who would benefit? Extended commercial team members and Product managers What impact would it make? This would make the notes capture, VoC capture, and customer research process more usable How should it work? I am a huge fan of the Aha notebooks ...
Nate Hicks about 1 year ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Pretty / Attractive/ Professional Looking Roadmaps

Content wise, the roadmaps that we can make in aha meets our needs pretty well. We can organize the work by goals, and themes, and by quarters. We can present status and any additional details we want to include. But, what we hear from our executi...
Viktoria Jacyno over 5 years ago in Roadmaps 7 Future consideration