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Status Future consideration
Categories Notes
Created by Nate Hicks
Created on Dec 13, 2023

desktop or mobile notes synchronization

Who would benefit?

Extended commercial team members and Product managers

What impact would it make?

This would make the notes capture, VoC capture, and customer research process more usable

How should it work?

I am a huge fan of the Aha notebooks features and extensions with whiteboards, etc. that have been rolled out in the recent past.

I want to establish a common process for all our product and extended team members to leverage.

But the lack of desktop capture or mobile note capture capability make it very impractical to use as our point of discussion capture tool.

The vast majority of notes come from customer on-site meetings, events, or meetings that occur without internet capability.

So the requirement to be logged into the web Aha version to capture and edit notes makes it very impractical.

It would be great if there was an easy desktop synch tool where you could take notes offline that then synchronize when connected to internet.

Additionally, oftentimes team members take notes from a mobile device like ipads, but there is no easy way to update or create new notes.

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