Intelligently reduce fields shown when adding fields to a report
What is the challenge? When I am building a report, every time I go to add a field to a report, I get a dropdown showing every possible field associated with that record. Fields for every custom workflow for every workflow in the account, tons of ...
Max Robbins
9 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
The new User Story Map functionality is really good and we've started using it for some cases. What would be really useful is to be able to configure the cards in the say way we can on the feature boards. This would allow a user to select the diff...
John Biltcliffe
over 5 years ago
in User story map
Future consideration
Show more context for added/removed records in retrospective report
I want to understand more about the records that are added to or removed from a release: When was it removed? Where was it moved to? What is its current status? I would like to see this information in the retrospective report
Jeff Tucker
about 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Show 'Add vote' button for ideas unfurled in Slack
It would be cool if the slack integration had an 'Add vote' button for ideas posted in Slack along with the Add comment button. Then, people could quickly vote on newly created ideas without leaving Slack.
Todd Meyer
6 months ago
in Slack
Future consideration
Some of my stakeholders would would prefer to printed presentations, but the PDF rendering engine does not do a great job of pagination and I am a bit embarrassed to share a PDF. Currently, each presentation "view" starts on a new page. This looks...
about 10 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Custom table records are currently sorted by order of creation. Since users often create more important/common records first, the important ones end up at the bottom of the list. Instead, allow sorting these records via drag-and-drop (or at least ...
Zach Schneider
over 8 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Ability to hide colums from list view when using Calculation columns
New Calculation column in List view is a great improvement. When creating List reports it would help to make the report more 'clean' if you could hide the source columns from the report and only show the Calculated columns. This would be similar f...
over 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Exporting record hierarchies' descriptions in a pdf document format
Like many others, we often have a need to show items from Aha! to people without access; in this case, I want to be able to show customers details of some requirements to validate with them. We replaced entirely our old long-form PRD documents wit...
Manual Sending of Requirements to integrated development tool
Presently, there isn't a way to have requirements in a draft status like there are with features. This tends to be somewhat problematic when you have multiple requirements types you work with e.g. subtasks and user stories. It will automatically s...
over 1 year ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Allow external team members to Approve work via To-dos
What is the challenge? We need to get some sort of Approval or Sign-off from our customers (not Aha! users under our account) on the requirement or feature that we have created for them. What is the impact? We need our external customers to agree ...
8 months ago
in To-dos
Future consideration