Add "Ideas > Created" filter option to the "To Slack" Integration
Our teams would like to subscribe to a Slack channel that provides a message when new Ideas are submitted. The teams would like to only see newly-added items, as those new Idea additions require review and response, unlike subsequent individual vo...
As a user, I want to respond to comments with an emoji reaction so I can acknowledge someone's comment but not have to write "thanks" and trigger an email to them. This is similar to how people use Slack. We all want to respond to comments with an...
Customer-specific Ideas Portal (or portals with applied filters)
I would like to be able create an Ideas Portal for a specific customer or set of customers (e.g. Beta Testers). This portal would need additional filtering options, such that only Ideas which meet the filter criteria are displayed. Example criteri...
Matthew Monahan
over 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
A possible use case for in-app feedback is to explore different reactions to A/B tested pages. It would be helpful to be able to capture both qualitative and quantitive feedback on specific aspects of the A/B test with a shared poll on both experi...
Steve Dagless
about 4 years ago
in In-app feedback
Features Board Filter should show applied filters like Features List View
The Feature Board filter does not display the currently applied filters - they are hidden within the filter button. It would be better if this filter works like the filter on the Features List view, where the applied filters are always visible.
Melissa Hopkins
over 9 years ago
in Features
Preserve attachments when promoting idea to feature
When an idea is in it's infancy, attachments may be added that are still relevant when it's promoted to a feature. However currently it looks like those attachments don't carry over to the feature when the idea is promoted. It would remove duplica...
Expand/Collapse Status Columns in Develop Work flow Board
Please consider adding the ability to expand and collapse status on the columns in Develop Work flow Board. Doing so will eliminate the need to scroll when columns are blank or irrelevant.
Allow users to arrange fields into groups in custom layouts
It would be great if I could make custom layouts more usable by arranging fields into groups or sections with a clearly visible heading. As it is today, work items have a long list of fields that are hard to use. There's a lot of cognitive load ha...