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Showing 1530

Send release phases to JIRA as proposed sprints

We would like to have a means to integrate Aha! release phases with JIRA sprints, as features included in phases are sent to JIRA.
Donna Sawyer over 8 years ago in Jira 3 Unlikely to implement

Configure so that epics and feature dates are following release dates

I would like to be able to configure so that the master features (MF) and features (F) follows the release date. This would be very helpful during sprint planning and replanning. The bulk editing is a work around, but still when you move around th...
Kristian Haglund almost 6 years ago in Epics 1 Unlikely to implement

Shorten the display of feature descriptions w/ an ellipsis in timeline reports

The Reporting UI should shorten long description in release reports and add a small ellipsis or more link at the end of the shortened description that will responsively expand the description at the users request. The current layout displays ackwa...
Guest about 7 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Add Delimiter to Public comments field or add 'commenter' and 'comment date field'

I'd like to know who is commenting on ideas to measure engagement of my team with customers. The way the data is present today aggregates the comments to one field and keeps me from being able to extract the user name and date of engagement from t...
Zach Novak over 6 years ago in Reports 1 Unlikely to implement

Strategic Vision template customization

Ability to customize strategic vision template so that as we add new products, the template is consistent. Otherwise we have to delete, rename or add new components every time. We have 5 products now but plan to add 20-30 over time.
Guest over 10 years ago in  4 Unlikely to implement

Assign a Feature to multiple people

There are times where we have multiple people working on a story, either due to investigating a spike or pair-programming. It would be nice to be able to assign a feature to more than one person at the same time.
Christopher Davies almost 10 years ago in Features 5 Unlikely to implement

Desktop app

For those of us who live in Aha!, a desktop app would be very helpful. A simple Electron app (or like) would be great, just to get the window out of all the browser tabs.
Guest over 6 years ago in Application 3 Unlikely to implement

Convert product line to product

I want a way to convert a product line into a product. We found that having multiple products within a product line was difficult to manage. As such, we wanted to consolidate back into a single product without losing data.
D L over 8 years ago in Account settings 1 Unlikely to implement

Ability to create Public ideas via the Aha Ideas tab

It appears that when you create ideas from within Aha on the Ideas tab, and not within the Ideas Portal, you cannot default those ideas to be visible to all Ideas Portal users. We go in and update every Idea to be public, so it would save us a bun...
Guest about 6 years ago in Ideas 2 Unlikely to implement

Add To-Dos field on Custom Tables

It would be great to be able to attach To-Dos to records in custom tables. We use custom tables for many business processes and it help to tract To-Dos. In some cases, the ability to link to specific Release Phases would also solve the problem.
Ken Hinton over 7 years ago in To-dos 0 Unlikely to implement