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Ability to Organize by Status on the Idea Overview Page

Who would benefit? Idea Reviewers/Product Managers What impact would it make? Ability to organize the status based on our organization status process flow, not by highest to lowest amounts. How should it work? Should be able to have an option to o...
Guest 12 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Default the folder and the other options when saving a view

Who would benefit? Everyone who has hundreds of reports stored in the "All" folder and just can't find anything without using search What impact would it make? It would make it much easier to keep our folder structure clean and tidy and therefore ...
Anthea W over 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Hide shipped master feature in feature form

When I link a feature to a master feature, I want to see only current master features (and not shipped master feature)
Guest over 5 years ago in Features 4 Future consideration

Make category description visible when submitting new idea through portal

When entering a new idea a category can be assigned (such as on this form). It would be great if the description of the category would be visible as well. Either next to the category or as tooltip.
Guest over 5 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Enable use of PlantUML diagrams throughout Aha!

Connected with - but it seems that is being phased out in favor of notebooks/ whiteboards. Who would benefit? Everyone who needs to draw complex diagrams (many types are supported by PlantUML) and...
Guy Eden 12 months ago in Whiteboards 1 Future consideration

Block Specified Email Domains

We would like to block personal email domains such as Gmail, Yahoo, etc, as we are getting a high volume of spam.
Guest over 4 years ago in Ideas portal / User management 2 Future consideration

Adding Feature Workflows for Feature Types

Aha! allows you to create feature workflows for a product, but not for a feature type. It would be helpful to have product workflows applicable beyond the product - allowing users to customize completion workflows per feature type. Let's look at ...
Max Chanoch almost 10 years ago in Features 4 Future consideration

Provide option to display an external record name on roadmaps

It would be helpful to have the option to have a different record name on a roadmap than the record name captured in Aha! For example, it could be a shorter name to fit in the bars on the Starter roadmap, or it could be name that's more appropriat...
Craig Pflumm almost 2 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Roll back plan of instance

Hi, I would love to have a rollback plan for our Aha instance. Right now, most of our admins are learning the tool and one day may make a change that would impact a lot product lines. I would need a way to roll back to a previous saved version or ...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Empty reports look broken, far better to say something like "No results"

What is the challenge? When a report has no results, it is unclear whether something is broken or it truly has no results. What is the impact? A lot of questions from Senior Leadership and team members needing to constantly verify that the report ...
Brittani Carmandi-Weber 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration