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Hide shipped master feature in feature form

When I link a feature to a master feature, I want to see only current master features (and not shipped master feature) 

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    • David Allison
      Apr 1, 2020

      In a CD culture its ideal to use Master Features however having the list grow each subsequent release is painful. There is no clean way to utilize Epics IMO outside of Master Features.

    • Guest
      Jan 30, 2020

      This is a needed idea.  as our master feature list grows so does this list.  a filter, or a setting to take away the closed and shipped options will help with confusion. 

    • Guest
      Oct 23, 2019

      Hi aha, we really need this feature. In our case, with a lot of master feature, the dropdown is really too big. Can you plan this feature quickly ? Thanks a lot for your help.

    • Karin Rainer
      Oct 22, 2019

      We have a lot of master features each release so the dropdown to select master features from the feature detail page is huge. And the more releases, the more likely I'm going to forget which ones have been shipped and which master features are still open, so ONLY showing the open master features would be ideal. The same issue occurs with initiatives.