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Prettier single-number pie charts in new charts

What is the challenge? Single numbers in pie charts look like this: What is the impact? Whereas in classic charts, it's possible to display single-number pie charts like this: Describe your idea We'd love to display high-level metrics like this in...
Nathaniel Collum 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Tracking Ideas portal visitors

We have number of various pages in our Ideas portal where we collect ideas from the rest of the company. In these pages, we aro also maintaining ideas report, FAQs and other Aha! dashboards that we are actively promoting within the company. It wou...
Guest about 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Ability to add PO functions to a Custom Role

We have recently implemented Custom Roles in our space that bumped the PO role to Contributor + Custom (eliminating the ability to add new product and granting paid seat access, etc - see attached) We would like the ability to change some of the t...
Marina Reyna about 5 years ago in Account settings 8 Future consideration

Allow setting paid seat group to "None" via CSV import

What is the challenge? It is possible to update a user's current paid seat group via a CSV import by adding a column for that field and inputting their new group info, but there is no way to fully remove a user from a paid seat group via this meth...
Maria Plotkina 6 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

add options to set / change the creationdate and the creator of an admin_response

What is the challenge? Admin responses will always have the date when it the response was added to the system and will ever be from that person who added it What is the impact? losing history when migrating ideas Describe your idea just make the a...
Oliver Berger 6 months ago in API / Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

OpenAPI / swagger document

What is the challenge? The API documentation lacks some accuracy and is incomplete What is the impact? Even if Aha!`s support is always helping out, when i have strange API questions, a complete openapi / swagger document would be helpful Describe...
Oliver Berger 6 months ago in API 1 Future consideration

Add Usage & Access History for Reports & Roadmaps

Aha! contains some incredible reporting capabilities that allow anyone to quickly create and share reports associated with the development activities. This is incredibly convenient and helpful to share information in a transparent way and empower ...
Mark Slykhouse about 2 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Bulk import from HTML or JSON into notes

What is the challenge? Moving from a different KB source into Aha! Knowledge requires manual copying, pasting, and reformatting. How would you solve it? An import tool that accepts HTML or JSON would speed up this process. What impact would it mak...
Emily Yankush 10 months ago in Knowledge base / Notes 1 Future consideration

Reduce duplicate Rows in Reports: Aggregate/merge related data in a cell (in a pivot report or hierarchy report)

Overview - Reports contain multiple rows with instances of the Primary Record Type as soon as you add a column from a "Related Object" that has multiple values, making it hard to visually consume the data. Problem - In List Reports we see the valu...
Guest about 5 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

Zendesk integration sends organization and additional info

When using the zendesk integration to submit ideas into Aha, the integration creates a proxy vote correctly using the Zendesk filer's email address. But the integration does not populate the organization and comments. This forces us to go back to ...
Shri Iyer over 4 years ago in Voting 1 Future consideration