Allow Administrators to disable Idea creation within Roadmaps
What is the challenge? Some users are creating ideas directly within Aha! Roadmaps when we expect those ideas to be created on our Aha! Ideas Portal. What is the impact? By allowing users to create ideas within Aha! Roadmaps, they circumvent the C...
David Willequer
about 2 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
What is the challenge? I get a lot of notifications and not all of them are relevant. What is the impact? I can easily miss notifications. Describe your idea We have predefined filters today by workspace and record type. Allow users to create thei...
Currently workspaces can only be archived. They cannot be instantly deleted. This is a great safeguard to prevent real workspaces from actually being deleted. However it causes problems when you accidentally create a workspace as a line, or vice v...
Austin Merritt
9 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
What is the challenge? The ability to zoom within an Aha! whiteboard requires too many clicks and steps, creating friction in how I use the tool. What is the impact? I waste time on zoom and navigating around on the screen when i could use those s...
about 2 months ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Integrate Github projects not associated with a repository
Currently the Github integration forces us to select a repository in order to integrate with a project but we have the need to integrate with projects that are not associated with repositories.
about 2 months ago
in GitHub
Future consideration
The new SSO webpage feature is fantastic! But there's still a big problem... the confluence integration does not support it! The 'Add Aha View' option in confluence only works with publicly shared links. It must work with SSO links as well!
Kim Smit
over 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Reviewers should not be able to create prioritization views
What is the challenge? Reviewers cannot rearrange record ranks in the prioritization view. Only owners/contributors can. If I only have reviewer permissions to all the workspaces I have access to, I can still create a prioritization view but I can...
Chrissi McNamara
5 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Features workflow board - do not default group by assignee
What is the challenge? My account has hundreds of users. Every time I go to the workflow board, it is grouped by assignee and this is not helpful since I am never looking at this work across all my users (if I ever do, it's just a subset of users ...
Max Robbins
7 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
Priority limit line on subsequent pages of Prioritization view
Love the new prioritization lines introduced last week. However, they can only be placed on the first page. We have a need to also place them on the subsequent pages, as we have that many features to keep track of. We're hoping to use these to als...
over 1 year ago
in Features
Future consideration