I'd like to be able to add custom prompts for each field that is required so the user knows the type of input I need for the idea. Still evaluating AHA to be selected as the company project management tool and having this ability to "templatize" t...
I'm a Zendesk Administrator for a company which uses Aha. We're currently attempting to determine a method for adding votes to feature requests which we create from the zendesk-aha integration. However, we cannot pull user information from our Zen...
ASK: Please include the Product/Product Line in the type ahead results when searching for Initiatives to link to a given Feature/Release/etc. See attached.
When I am trying to attach an Initiative to something (i.e. Release), the type ahead field ...
Joe Carpenter
almost 6 years ago
in Application
Sort calculated columns in specified order in pivot table view
A calculated column can be sorted A-Z or Z-A in List view, but there are no options for which direction to sort (and in what relationship to other fields) in Pivot Table view.
Provide the ability to move or copy a Strategic Positioning template, similar to the functionality that already exists for moving or copying Strategic Model templates.
Brian Flett
almost 4 years ago
in Strategy
I want to change the colours of releases which show in my roadmap timeline view. Two of my products have colours that are too similar to be told apart!
Enable the terms "release" and "feature" to be defined within a product
Now that I've started using Aha for the product plan, other areas of the organization are asking if they can use Aha for enterprise project planning. It looks like a "release" could be considered a "project" in their terms. And a "feature" could b...
Automated Integration Migration for Aha! - Jira Server to Jira Cloud
Now that Atlassian has announced that Jira Server will not be supported by 2024, we need to find a way to migrate the existing Aha! - Jira Server integration without having to re-establish the connection. The recommended methods indicated in the l...
When entering in a requirement, it would be great if my custom requirements fields show up at the time I am entering the requirement.
When entering in a requirement, it would be great if my custom requirements fields show up at the time I am entering the requirement.
So, I will need to go back into the requirement and enter in the data for my custom fields. It is a bit annoying...
David Spada
almost 8 years ago
in Features