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Suggested Development timeframe

What is the challenge? Getting estimates from people is a slow process, they are rarely correct and are often influenced by politics or hidden agendas. What is the impact? Plans are rarely accurate, estimates are padded to make people feel safe. O...
Mike Lowery 3 months ago in Agile reports / Development / Features 0 Likely to implement

Track CapEx Hours and Story Points

Our company needs the ability to track CapEx hours as well as utilize the story points on the features. It would be nice to have a way to track CapEx hours at the requirements level.
Nicole Freeman over 2 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Ideas Portal custom fields that are only visible to Employees/Partners or higher

Currently (as far as I can see) you can only set custom fields in the Ideas Portal to be public (all logged in users) or private (AHA users). There isn't the ability to hide a field from the public and only show it to Employees/Partners or AHA use...
Andrew Badge almost 9 years ago in User management 4 Future consideration

Undelete presentation slides

When preparing a presentation, if you accidentally delete a slide, there is no way to restore it. It would be great to have a recycle bin concept for deleted slides in a presentation that could allow you to restore a deleted slide. You could also ...
Guest about 5 years ago in Presentations 1 Future consideration

When we change Epics quarterly plan, user stories are being lost on the way

When we move Epic from one quarterly plan to another, if we drag them, it asks should the linked user stories be moved as well. However, if we simply change quarterly plan name in the field, user stories are not being moved. Same issue appears if ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Ability to tie color feature color to other fields

Status doesn't help to organize we would rather color code based on priority. We created a custom field for this and are eventually planning to use scorecards. We would like the ability to tie the color of the feature card to other fields beyond s...
Nick Galassi almost 7 years ago in Features 15 Future consideration

Add dynamic idea submission forms to the Aha! side

What is the challenge? Currently, dynamic forms are only available within the portal. If team members are submitting ideas from within Aha!, they don't encounter the same logic. What is the impact? Streamline the idea submission configuration and ...
Becca Bommarito 6 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Bulk update for full width in knowledge bases

I would like to be able to set the width for my public knowledge bases in bulk. This would be a HUGE time saver. It is extremely time consuming to edit notes to be “full width” one at a time if you did not notice this setting when first creating o...
Scott Goldblatt 6 months ago in Knowledge base 0 Future consideration

Show count of records in a report in a dashboard widget

Why is it useful: It would show the total record count of list reports without having to build a separate widget just to see the total number of records that meet that criteria. SAVES ME TIME AND CLICKS (hooray!) Who would it benefit: Users using ...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Provide an ability to perform sql queries against the database to pull data. For example, record links based reports are extremely limited in scope.

Need to create a list of features/stories that have dependencies, filter by the dependencies and sort by the dependencies.
Deepak Arasappa over 7 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration