Status doesn't help to organize we would rather color code based on priority. We created a custom field for this and are eventually planning to use scorecards. We would like the ability to tie the color of the feature card to other fields beyond status.
I would love to be able to colour code by Type
We hope to use this to have the same color code for EPICs in AHA and the linked EPICs in Jira. That would help in identifying related EPICs, belonging to same master feature or initiative.
We also need this feature to improve our grooming process. Thank you
This would be wonderful for scorecards - if the value falls between A and B, set the color to Green. If the value falls between B and C, set the color to Red. Similar to how the status color can change.
There is an option to display by type in the User Maps and other views but there's not Type colouring or ability to add tags or other data in the cards - this would be extremely helpful in orgnaising our data in 1-glance with stakeholders
Agreed, we have multiple use cases for calendar views with cards to be color coded by Type or other fields. The default coloring by status does not make it easy to distinguish between different activity types on the same calendar.
Also agree.
agree. this is very important.
Being able to change the color of the card based on Type or some other defined field would be very helpful. Various shades of blue/green to show status isn't particularly meaningful,, especially when most of the cards are in the same status ("In development") for most of the release anyway. Colors based on various strategic initiatives, or level of client funding, for example, would give a quick visual indicator of how the work across a release is distributed.
Ability to adjust the color of the card based upon type would be really helpful to my implementation on the workflow board.
Agreed. As someone who manages multiple products and has people who work across the different products, I would like to color the cards based on who the feature is assigned to. It should really allow users to customize the color based on any of the fields available within the card though.
We need multiple dynamics that can be applied contextually. I need status for some groups, but there are others where subject area or size would be helpful. It would be great to be able to flip a filter and change the meaning of the colors.
I vote for this - this is a must have. We should be able to tie color to any feature attribute in Feature Roadmap. In a program here, we need visual cue to indicate the BU/team/initiative buckets so that backlog grooming is easier.
I agree. I'd also like to tie color to different initiatives or goals so it's easy to tell if we're addressing the right items in a release.