Currently we would like to create multiple competitive landscapes. We would like to be able to create custom views and customise what appear on x and y axis.
about 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Warn me when bulk updating a large number of features or provide ability to Undo after the fact
When I am doing a bulk update on one feature and have accidentally selected many more than one it would be helpful to have an alert or warning for which a threshold could be set. For example, if I am about to bulk update over 100 features the syst...
Suzie Hastie
about 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
In the custom roadmaps by default you can view the release dates as a tool tip. It would be nice to show custom tool tips/annotations either in addition to the release dates or as a separate annotation allowing the user to view multiple tool tips....
Rhonda S
over 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists
Bulk edit requirement to a new feature from within the original feature
There are times when the original requirements on a feature will no longer be shipped along with the feature. For example, they may have been de-prioritized as post launch improvements. Or perhaps you have many requirements that need to move from ...
Julie Price
over 5 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Dynamic automation rule to email an assigned user of new to-do
Love that you have an automation rule set to create to-do's once an idea is assigned to a user without creating multiple automation rules for multiple assignees Could we go one step further once the to-do is assigned to a user. To be able to trigg...
Victoria Morrella
over 3 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
I have had this request more than once from customers. I need a Report or easy way to extract a Voter List from a specific Idea rather then manually doing some type of copy-and-paste action.
Ginger Alford
over 5 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
Optional (or removal) of dropshadow on image upload to notebooks
I use the notebook to present to clients. As I'm a designer I like to ensure every pixel is perfect. Unfortunately when I try add an image to first page it adds a drop-shadow and also a duplicate image to the bottom of the page which ruins the loo...
over 9 years ago
in Presentations
Already exists
Add notification option for ownership assignments for projects, releases, features and requirements.
Send notification to individual when assigned as a 1) product owner, 2) release owner, 3) assigned to a feature, or 4) assigned to a requirement in the same way someone is notified when assigned to a To-Do. This could possibly be an option rather ...