We want to be able to generate an email that sends the assignee of an idea an email reminding them to add a portal comment for the stakeholders when the idea transitions to a specific status (in this case: shipped). Since the logic is set to auto-...
Nerissa Muijs
over 1 year ago
in Application
Future consideration
Gauge chart to depict progress towards roadmap completion
Let's say, I have an important major version release slated for Dec 2019 and I have monthly releases with several features planned with every release. I want to create a gauge chart that would show progress from 0% to 100% as I releases are shippe...
Amol Naik
over 5 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Show all users in users page in workspace settings
Owners are not able to view and manage the access of all workspaces that fall under the line from the parent line level - they are only seeing access to the line itself, not the workspaces underneath it. This issue arises from users page in worksp...
Ashton Tsou
over 1 year ago
in Application
Future consideration
Visibility of notifications sent to idea authors/voters
Our understanding is that idea authors and voters are automatically subscribed to updates on the idea record, such as the change in the idea status or newly added comments to the idea. It would be helpful to see a message log of who was sent these...
Jeff Shaffer
almost 3 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
For the Tags field (not a custom field), the colors of the tags are auto-assigned by Aha!, without opportunity to control the colors (as far as I can tell). Many of these tags do not meet basic color contrast ratios to meet accessibility needs. A ...
Joseph Gehling
almost 3 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Allow additional fields to be added to Release Dependency VIsualization
Currently, the Visualization link in the Release Record links only shows the Release Name and Release Status. I'd like to add other fields such as, but not limited to, Release Date.
Estimate Points on Requirement used for Parent Feature Remaining Effort should flip to 0 once set to Will not Do
Feature 1 is created in Aha * Effort = pull from child Requirements Feature 1 is pushed to ADO Requirement 1 is created in ADO * Linked up as a child of Feature 1 * Effort = 3p * Completed Points = 0p * Remaining Points = BLANK Aha is automaticall...
Alex B
about 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Aha Enhancement request for scorecards to allow the window to be maximized
Aha Enhancement request for scorecards to allow the window to be maximized. Currently the scorecard pop-up window can't be maximized. It is a fixed size. It would be helpful to maximize the window to see more content. We have 19 questions on our s...
Karla Johnson
over 1 year ago
in Account settings
Future consideration