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Allow in-place editing of competitor detail

The fields on the competitor detail should be click-to-edit like most other parts of Aha! Instead, when you click you're brought to a field editor that shows your fields in what appears to be a random order. It is very hard to edit a piece of info...
Guest about 8 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Support Integration Templates with GitHub

I recently noticed that the Rally integration capability included a way to save that configuration as a template. We leverage GitHub and would like to save configuration templates as well. There will be a number of products to link to repositories...
Guest over 8 years ago in Integrations 0 Shipped

Add Intiative -> Solution Capability mapping to Feature -> Feature options

There was a prior Idea that requested and closed as Delivered, however it wasnt delviered as asked for. The goal was to allow us to map Intiatives into Rally as Solution Capabilities, Features to Features (under those Solution capabilties in Rally...
Guest over 8 years ago in Rally 0 Shipped

Create/update tags in Aha!/Rally and have that flow to Rally/Aha!

Synchronize the Aha! feature "Tags" field with the "Tags" field for portfolio items in rally. The sync should be two-way. Tags are not synced for any Aha! record types other than features.
Guest over 8 years ago in Rally 0 Shipped

Allow the font color of the feature template to be updated

The default text in the feature description box is a subtle grey. This is appropriate for "explanatory" text, and makes it obvious to the end user that this is explanatory text that needs to be updated. When I create custom explanatory text for Id...
Avigail Ehrenhaus over 8 years ago in Features 0 Shipped

redirect to filtered list of ideas according to status by clicking on the pie chart in ideas overview page

do the same as clicking on the numbers on the right side of the pie chart
Guest over 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Shipped

Ampersands in Idea categories display as html code in lightbox idea creation

See the attached screenshot, Everywhere else this category displays correctly as "Tweaks & Improvements" except in this layover.
Guest over 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Shipped

ideas linked from zendesk ticket reports should not expose part of the email address to other public users

When a zendesk ticket is linked to from zendesk, the aha zendesk plugin only records the email address associated with the linked zendesk ticket reporter to make the link and does not send the name field value to the Ideas portal user entry. As su...
Guest over 8 years ago in Integrations 0 Shipped

Update Notebook publishing so my Notebooks are on the top

I would like a modification to the UI of the Publishing page for Notebooks. While the Publish Anything content is very useful, the way it is laid out hides the primary reason I am on the page--to view my own Notebooks. Couple possibilities: (1) ...
Cathy Sherwin over 8 years ago in Presentations 1 Shipped

Add setting to the Aha! Integration Configuration to just update one way for JIRA to Aha

Why I hear you ask? 2 main reasons: - JIRA always wins for companies that use JIRA as the master To get round the issue of Aha! breaking the formatting when JIRA uses a plugin (Jeditor) A one way update fixes all issues. Setting as a checkbox de...
Andrew Tipton over 8 years ago in Jira 0 Shipped