Option to remain anonymous when submitting an Idea
The current settings in 'Configure Portals' reads ‘allow portal users to be anonymous’ however I’ve since confirmed that there isn’t an option to allow customer's to select this option if preferred. The selection of this box in the configuration m...
almost 6 years ago
in User management
Already exists
1. It would be useful to capture the following within Releases or Features:
the reason for the feature or release
how the feature/ release differ from others
cost analysis and benefits (business case for the feature)
Success Criteria (metrics)
almost 9 years ago
in Application
Already exists
I would like the ability to create, assign and manage sprints within a release, and link features to the sprint. Currently, I set sprints up as Phases within a release to do this. The issues with this workaround are: I cannot link a Phase from Aha...
almost 3 years ago
in Sprints
Already exists
Kanban Board - features from shipped releases not visible in "Shipped" column
I have a lot of tickets that were shipped already and this column is almost infinitely long :).
I would like to see only those tickets in shipped column that are in releases that are in progress (not shipped yet).
almost 10 years ago
in Application
Already exists
What is the challenge? When adding a feature, only certain fields are shown in the pop-up, requiring users to add the feature, then click on the card to complete the other fields associated with the feature. How would you solve it? Allow owners to...
When visualizing record links be able to customize the view to show aha reference numbers, release name, etc.
If you have a master feature you can’t easily link from the master feature to an existing feature. This really, really should be fixed and is probably the preferred way since you can already create a new feature in any product from a master featur...
Gavin Saldanha
almost 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Add ability to configure "hover tooltip" to display a custom field on a Roadmap
What is the challenge? Ability to show add'l information about a feature on a roadmap. Right now it just seems to display feature start & end date. How would you solve it? Allow customization of "hover tooltips" What impact would it make? Incr...
Half of our country is in EU-Central, and drilling down on ticket details shows a spinner for about 1-10 seconds, which inhibits productivity. Would like for it to be as responsive in EU as it is in US.
almost 2 years ago
in Application
Already exists
Idea / request filter on domains not just portal users
I would like to be able to filter on the idea/request email domains associated to a portal user, rather than having to pick the individual names. If I use the idea voter domains I get a list of all domains, what I would like to see is the 'Idea/re...
Matt Pyke
almost 6 years ago
in Voting
Already exists