What is the challenge? Having many presentations, it would be useful to have the possibility to arrange them into folders, similarly to what is possible with reports What is the impact? In the presentations view, folders can be created and present...
Nicola Rolando
6 months ago
in Presentations
Already exists
If I want to manage (e.g. replace tags by others) my custom field choices (of type predefined tag list) I need to search a long time because they are not sorted alphabetically. Please sort them alphabetically.
Promoting an Idea to Feature, Master Feature, Initiative should carry over many-to-many custom field values like other custom field types
Just like Custom field values will transfer from ideas to Feature/Master Features/Initiatives when promoted assuming a custom field with the same Key name exists in both, the same should occur with many to many custom fields as well. My use case i...
Matt Case
about 8 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
Make tiles in dependency map visualizations customizable
The dependency visualization is very useful. I'd like to be able to customize the contents of the tiles like in the Feature tiles. At a minimum, adding the Product Name is critical since you will only see Release Names in the current form and ther...
We'd like to estimate and plan releases based on velocity (rate of story point completion) rather than capacity (static value).
This would enable more dynamic calculation of release capacity given a target release date and velocit(ies) over the d...
We would like to be able to broadcast information to our Ideas community and provide one more means of communication to let them know about new features, new releases and or just to communicate about general upside of using Ideas for our product.
about 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
It would be helpful to be able to add the same comment to multiple ideas at once. I use this to record when I have sent a group of ideas to a group or have done the same update to multiple ideas.