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Display record reference numbers when sharing a whiteboard as a webpage

What is the challenge? If a user has a whiteboard with records displayed, fields included on the records are not displayed when the whiteboard is shared as a webpage What is the impact? Stakeholders that view the shared webpage are not seeing the ...
Stephanie Lechner 5 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Shipped

Allow reporting on capacity at the sprint level in Develop

It would be helpful to pull sprint capacity values into analytics reports to create ad-hoc views. Suggested values could include total capacity, starting estimate (estimate at the start of the sprint), assigned estimate (current value) and remaini...
Kristina Gass over 1 year ago in Agile reports / Reports 0 Shipped

Filter goals and initiatives by more than one attribute

As a Product Manager, I would like filtering across Aha! to be consistent, not different depending on what I'm trying to filter. In strategy (initiatives and goals), I can only filter by one status category Or one status OR one time frame. In rele...
Tom Beck over 7 years ago in Strategy 1 Shipped

Provide customer-facing help text capability on predefined value idea portal fields

As of now, the "description" field on idea custom fields is for internal setup reference, and does not present as descriptive help text on an idea portal showing the field. It would helpful (for any custom field type) to have an option to provid...
Donna Sawyer over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 10 Shipped

On our way to Initiative Roadmap Nirvana - Priority 3 of 3 - Ability to see the size of an initiative in story points or time

First, we LOVE the new Strategy / Roadmap option. Our company maps features to epics, and requirements to user stories, so initiatives are exactly the level of detail we want to use to communicate with our executives, and also to communicate to th...
Guest about 9 years ago in Strategy 2 Shipped

Associate the Salesforce Account ID with Aha! ideas portal users via SSO

Some of my customers work for large organizations that we have broken down into many accounts in Salesforce. The customers who access the idea portal are associated directly with the Salesforce account and that account might have the same email do...
Erin Ward almost 2 years ago in Salesforce 3 Shipped

Have Custom Layout export views match the on-line layout as opposed to default layout

When exporting an Epic with a custom layout definition to either PNG or PDF format, the custom layout definition is not used. Instead, the default layout is used with the the Overview tab over in the right panel. Since the right panel is a narrow ...
Peter Bongiorno about 4 years ago in Epic 5 Shipped

Initiative templates

Just like the templates for Features and Requirements, an Initiative template would be useful. The open-ended format of the Initiative is good, as well as the ability to associate goals, etc.., to them. We end up doing a lot of repetition when we ...
Guest over 9 years ago in Application 11 Shipped

Support a custom CNAME for idea portals

This would allow a custom domain name for an idea portal.
Chris Waters almost 10 years ago in Ideas 7 Shipped

Map Aha! story points to TFS story points.

We spend all that time estimating and have to reproduce the work when we send the stories to TFS. Please! Make it stop! Setting to a month because this seems like a no-brainer!
Keith Burgess over 8 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 1 Shipped