It's helpful for the scrum teams to not only see the Aha rank but also the business value associated with the scorecard. Integrating scorecard with JIRA Business Value is beneficial to members of the teams as well as reporting on the business valu...
Currently, the Strategy roadmap has a limit of 40 records. When managing a portfolio, it's helpful to see the initiatives and dependencies across portfolio when there are more than 40 initiatives. One option is to use a custom roadmap, though this...
Allow filtering of unprioritized Ideas by Idea Categories
As a product manager overseeing a portfolio of products within a single Aha! workspace using idea categories to channel ideas, I need to filter unprioritized ideas by idea categories so that I can easily create prioritization reports at the produc...
Joe Buehlmeyer
over 2 years ago
in Ideas
We follow a progression where we create Master Features and then more detailed features linked to them. We would like the ability to create a mapping and drive Master Feature status based on the status of the underlying features.
Display progress circles on Gantt without requiring start and end dates
Who would benefit? Users using the Gantt chart to track progress of their work. What impact would it make? It would make it easier to see at a glance how items are progressing without requiring the additional start and end time fields to be popula...
Currently I can create notifications for every status change, but I would like to set up Slack notifications for channels when a feature status changes to a specific value, e.g: Status = QA.
This could be extended to other value-limited fields l...
Garrett Coakley
almost 8 years ago
in Slack
Alternative view(s) of Feature Detail Pages for Notebook
The feature detail pages, when saved to a notebook are a really great way to run through the requirements details with the team, in order to refine them.
All of the Feature meta-data fields (such as: Type, Assigned to, Watchers, Goals, Initiative,...
When promoting to a feature or epic, allow for selection of Release the Feature or Epic should tie to– currently Epics and Features seem to be assigned to a release randomly.
Update linked note folder name when roadmap item name changes
Who would benefit? Users of notebooks What impact would it make? It would be a usability feature that ensure better traceability between research documentation and the plan item. How should it work? The attached file shows the situation.I create s...