Automations: use delivery risks as triggers in automations
Delivery risks are incredibly helpful! I'd love to use delivery risks as triggers in automations to create a to-do or send an email for someone to actively address the risk.
Who would benefit? All users What impact would it make? Faster to consume roadmap by focusing only on changes How should it work? Would like to be able to filter our roadmap to show those records that specific fields have changed in the last N day...
Ability for Product Owner to Control Notifications
As a product owner, i need to be able control when notifications go out to other users in Aha! Just because a user is a viewer or reviewer on a product, he/she shouldn't be receiving notification for every change. For example, future release plann...
On our way to Initiative Roadmap Nirvana - Priority 1 of 3 - New Ordering / Grouping Options
First, we LOVE the new Strategy / Roadmap option.
Our company maps features to epics, and requirements to user stories, so initiatives are exactly the level of detail we want to use to communicate with our executives, and also to communicate to th...
Show initial estimates instead of detailed estimates in the capacity report
Currently you can set an initial estimate, and later on add a detailed estimate. Since it is usually more accurate, the capacity report will use a detailed estimate, if it is available, to visualize a team's capacity. However, there is a reporting...
Provide ability to map Created by user to Reporter field in the JIRA integration
When sending or linking a Aha feature to a Jira Epic the system uses the name of the person who created the Jira integration record instead of the user who created the epic. This results that all Jira issues now show up as Reported By with the nam...
In the “My Work” area, to-do’s will display the feature prefix, number, and name but do not display the Release name. This makes it impossible to know what release the to-do is associated with. Especially since all of our releases have the exact s...
Add function to "send backward" and "bring forward" on Whiteboard shapes
What is the challenge? Currently, I can only "Send to back" or "Bring to front" on a whiteboard, which limits my ability to work with layered shapes. Without a "Send backward by one layer" option, adjusting complex, multi-layered diagrams becomes ...
Madeleine Black
4 months ago
in Whiteboards
We like to do our overall company prioritization in the idea area. However, sometimes we push ideas to features and those features aren't actually developed (due to not having enough resources, them loosing priority focus, etc. ) We'd like to push...