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To-Dos don’t say what Release they’re attached to

In the “My Work” area, to-do’s will display the feature prefix, number, and name but do not display the Release name. This makes it impossible to know what release the to-do is associated with. Especially since all of our releases have the exact same set of features.

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    • Guest
      Nov 10, 2017

      Agree with the proposal, agree with Susan's commentl.  Without the release name, the notification for overdue to dos's are useless.  

    • Guest
      Nov 8, 2017

      EXACTLY!! This is really annoying and inefficient. Same thing when I get an email with overdue to-do's. It takes too many steps to see all the details of the release it's related to, and figure out why it's showing overdue. Please fix this to help make AHA more user friendly!

    • Guest
      Nov 8, 2017

      in favor to add release name.