Currently cannot go back and see the completed Sprints, once an active Sprint is flagged as "Complete Sprint". Need this for sizing reference and auditing of retrospectives and other info in the Sprint Theme. In the attached example we completed s...
Clark Milner
over 3 years ago
in Sprints
Already exists
We don't always use 'in design' status, so want to be able to skip this, but, if we make our workflow flexible, we can't require an approval gate to 'ship' a record
Danielle A
over 3 years ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
Add ability to "watch" a Develop team and team line
In Roadmaps, I can "watch" an entire workspace (set in Strategy > Overview). I don't have this same capability in Develop. This was problematic to me personally recently because I missed that someone had created a new PI, and it took me a long ...
Emily Yankush
over 1 year ago
in Development
Future consideration
Do not automatically assign work to a sprint when moved to "in progress"
When I am in either Roadmaps or Develop Teams and I am in a requirement card, at times I want to make the status of that card to be "in progress". I created custom status that is mapped to the standard marketing status workflow. When I change my s...
It would be really beneficial to have an option to show Jira Status in any card view as to have more granular detail when you need to communicate with the devs, or to report status to other stakeholders.
Noel Scerri
almost 2 years ago
in Workflow boards
Already exists
Zephyr is a popular test case management tool. I would like a Zephyr extension for Aha! Develop that provides deep integration between Aha! and Zephyr.
Jeff Tucker
over 3 years ago
in Extensions
Future consideration
In my custom created views I would like to be able to click a data point and change it without opening the story. For instance, this would be a nice way to update status of tasks or stories.
over 3 years ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
Improve handling of progress calculation for Develop team work
Features should have a single continuous flow that progresses from Design through Dev and QA, where statuses pick up where the last team left off. I.e., the final status of the record for the Dev team would be “Ready for QA” and map back to a simi...
almost 2 years ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
TODO strike-through colour is too bright in dark mode
The strike-through colour on TODO titles is not properly themed for dark mode and this makes completed TODO titles hard to read. Other UI elements might have the same issue
almost 2 years ago
in Development / To-dos
Future consideration
Use different custom layouts depending on feature status
When a feature hasn't been started, I'm mostly concerned with planning and requirements. But once it's ready for deployment, I want to see fields about the associated PR and staging environment. I want Develop to let me specify which fields should...
Jeff Tucker
over 3 years ago
in Workflow boards
Already exists