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Status Future consideration
Created by Todd Materazzi
Created on Jun 13, 2023

Do not automatically assign work to a sprint when moved to "in progress"

When I am in either Roadmaps or Develop Teams and I am in a requirement card, at times I want to make the status of that card to be "in progress". I created custom status that is mapped to the standard marketing status workflow. When I change my status to In Progress, I know the workspace status will change to In Progress. As this occurs, if I don't have a sprint assigned to the requirements card, Aha! assigns the current sprint automatically. By having the sprint automatically assigned, our Burndown chart is skewed and picks up records added to the sprint. I don't desire this behavior and just want to record work on a card OUTSIDE the sprint. See snapshot. Preferred behavior is for Aha! NOT TO automatically assign any card to any sprint.

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