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Status Future consideration
Categories Workflow boards
Created by Guest
Created on May 24, 2023

Improve handling of progress calculation for Develop team work

Features should have a single continuous flow that progresses from Design through Dev and QA, where statuses pick up where the last team left off. I.e., the final status of the record for the Dev team would be “Ready for QA” and map back to a similar status at the Roadmaps level, and the Done status for the QA team would map to “Shipped”, marking the end of the whole Feature workflow.

In contrast, the Requirements workflow for Teams should end in “Done” so that each requirement being done updates the progress bar correctly for the Feature.

However, the Feature/Requirement workflow is the same for each team, so I cannot have them map back to the correct Roadmaps status, differently between Features and Requirements as described above. This leaves me to choose between having feature progress automatically updated or using workflow syncing between features and requirements.

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